Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Healthcare Reform a Sham?/ Greg Gaudino

Governor Schwarzenegger and state legislative leaders have produced a bill that will supposedly provide healthcare for all Californians. The bill is currently awaiting approval by the State Senate and funding from the California voters via a ballot initiative. The article goes on to say that state leaders are claiming that it is either now or never when it comes to making healthcare reform happen.

The main points of the article point out that the bill is being marketed to “communities of color” without actually telling them how the bill would actually affect them. The article goes on to explain that these “communities of color” aren’t being told the key facts is because the bill may not even include them. For one, you must be a full time worker among other things to be covered. With this bill come a lot of loose ends, so we must be careful in approving the funding for such a large project.

Link: http:news.ncmonline.com/news/view_article.html?article_id=08ec85891c3eb72ba4b76cb7b43dbe07

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