Thursday, January 10, 2008

Toll Lanes on L.A. County Freeways May Be Coming Soon / Laura Elena Ortuno

L.A. County transportation officials stated this past Tuesday that the implementation by spring 2009 of rush-hour toll lanes will depend on the approval of a huge federal grant. A total of $648 million will be needed to put this project into action.

Although MTA and Caltrans officials stated that this project has always been controversial, it seems to be an appropriate alternative for a city characterized by having the worst traffic congestion in the U.S.

The plan will consist of converting approximately 85 miles of the 110, the 210 and the 10 freeways into toll lanes. Eventually, a second phase would further expand the carpool lanes on these freeways.

Although the plan seems to be a good option to the recurrent problem in L.A., it will all depend on the grant. Good ideas need funding, or else that is all they are, just “good ideas.”


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