Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Santa Monica seeks to help the most vulnerable/ Karla Saia

A Santa Monica coalition comprised of nonprofit social service agencies and officials from Veterans Affairs and the County Department of Mental Health are engaged in an innovative effort to alleviate the city’s chronic homelessness.

Following a similar model pioneered by Common Ground – a New York City nonprofit that succeeded in reducing homelessness in Times Square – the endeavor aims to reach out to the homeless, rather than waiting for them to seek temporary shelter or emergency medical care.

In Los Angeles, community volunteers have previously collaborated with Common Ground to help the most vulnerable of the homeless on Skid Row. The task force created a “vulnerability score,” taking into account length of homelessness and physical and mental health.

Upon completion of the Skid Row study, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved $5.6 million to house and provide medical services for those identified as the 50 most vulnerable. Volunteers expect the Santa Monica initiative, slated for completion this week, will yield similar tangible and actionable results.

Link: http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-homeless29jan29,1,7909262.story?ctrack=1&cset=true

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