Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The Irony...Health Care Reform Dies in SAC/ Pete Peterson

Faced with a recent LAO report indicating possible massive revenue shortfalls and state Senators who wanted to put their own stamp on the legislation, California's famed health care reform bill never made it out of the Senate Health Committee. The bill, which was created in the Assembly through an agreement struck by Governor Schwarzenegger and Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez didn't even see a floor vote in the Senate.

Many followers of this year-long effort believe the demise of the bill was a result of numbers and personalities. Numbers, which were revealed just recently by the LAO showing possible billion dollar deficits in the program by its 5th year. And personalities in the well-known friction between Speaker Nunez and Senate President Don Perata. Several senators on the Health Committee didn't like the fact that the bill was presented to them for an up or down vote with no chance to amend provided. Apparently, the "Year of Health Care Reform" has come to an end.

Link: http://www.sacbee.com/111/story/669021.html

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